Surely you are familiar with the designation of a minimalist home, is not it? Minimalist house is an architectural style that is becoming a trend in this metropolitan. This dkarenakan besides having a beautiful shape, is also easy to decorate, ranging from making exposed brick fence, to the interior design. With small size of place and small building area that looks meaningless but can look modern. Even with a simple design can also continue to bring the impression of elegance. To increase the number of rooms can be done by building a 2 floor home minimalist, this is to save costs. Here are some minimalist home inspiration that can be used as a reference for your dream home.
1. White Minimalist House
Having a narrow house must make the owner must make the brain to create a spacious and pleasant home atmosphere. How to choose the color to make the house look elegant and modern. Selection of white color in a minimalist home is very appropriate because the impression of spacious and elegant can be radiated through the color. White color also adds clean impression when applied in the interior of the house.
2. Tropical Minimalist Home
Indonesia is a tropical country, climate or weather can affect the durability and beauty of your home exterior. One of the features of tropical houses is a high roof tile roof that protects from the heat and rain that hit and the existence of patterned material such as exposing bricks. Brick house is impressed in general, but not so if refined with bricks that are designed in such a way, it could be this will produce a remarkable product. The advantages of exposing brick home that is in addition to give the impression of a unique and traditional is also very fitting for a minimalist home. This is due to expose bricks easily in the design as beautiful as possible. If you choose to build a house that uses bricks, you will have a house whose color intensity is not the same as the house in general.
3. Metal Minimalist Home
No need to create a minimalist home look with a complicated ornament, with a very simple thing even a minimalist home can give a nice impression. Starting from the brick walls are left plain and painted white, glass on each side, the concrete is exposed to black colored metal into a harmonious and fused composition. The existence of a swimming pool in the middle and vegetation that is allowed to grow upward look this minimalist house still pay attention to the elements of nature.
4. Glass Minimalist Home
When hearing the word glass, what comes to our mind is the extrovert impression from the minimalist house that opens the view to the outside. Greenhouse models are now starting a lot of interest, starting from some sides or using glass for all parts of the house. With the accent of glass makes the home look to be minimalist and modern. Moreover, the use of glass has advantages that is a good natural lighting can save the use of lights during the day of course it can reduce the cost of expenditure. But to build the concept of greenhouses is certainly required experience and careful development planning to make the house to be sturdy.
5. Minimalist House of Stone
The visible part of the facade of a building is the terrace. In the minimalist house facade there are many natural stone, adannya natural stone to make a minimalist house that impressed the modern still looks beautiful and natural. In pemakainnya natural stone is used only partly just decoration on the house, but there is also a house that almost all walls using natural stone elements. The need for natural stone depends on the model of the house to be built, if the natural stone is used as a supporting component, then it is used only sekedarnya, and if used as the main component then usually the house will use natural stone quite a lot.